• Bouquet of flowers Autumn Roses

Bouquet of flowers twelve roses in the shades of yellow and orange

Beautiful bouquet of flower is filled with twelve dazzling roses in the shades of yellow and orange, perfectly selected and arranged with a luxurious greenery of the moment. This bouquet is simply perfect to celebrate the fall season and any life occasion, love, friendship, birthdays, anniversaries, get well flowers or even just to please a dear person. An elegant bouquet that will most definitely charm! Make a great impression with this bouquet.


This bouquet contains:

This beautiful bouquet of flowers is filled with twelve dazzling roses in the shades of yellow and orange perfectly selected by our florist and arranged with a luxurious greenery of the moment.

The vase is not included; it can be ordered within the options.

Delivery in Laval, North Shore and Montreal is available within the options.



Fleuriste la Diva will replace a product not available with another product of same or higher value always in order to fulfill and preserve the theme of the bouquet.

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Bouquet of flowers Autumn Roses

  • Product Code: Bouquet of flowers Autumn Roses
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 99.99$

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